How lack of food affects children’s educational performance

By, Mohamad Reda

Food and water are main essentials for our bodies to function daily. Lack of food consumption and water can affect a child’s everyday performance drastically. Getting enough nutrients in our bodies increases the blood flow to our brains, which develops better concentration and also helps us work faster. This is because food is our main source of energy; our body uses glucose from our food, mainly good carbohydrates, to burn in order for us to take part in our lives. Children in particular are affected more than adults, because they need the essential daily vitamins to be able to learn, play and grow.

A study has shown that children who are malnourished develop long term neural issues, delayed fine motor skills, visual impairment, lack of focus and behavioral issues inside and outside of schools. Children being malnourished also impacts their sleep behavior and routine. This is due to them not getting enough nutrients to release a hormone responsible for sleeping. Children who do not eat and drink enough water become very jittery throughout the day and night causing them to have restless sleep. What we put into our children’s bodies matter just as much. For example, if a child is only consuming snacks, chips, candy and ice cream this will keep them up at night. The high amount of sugar and saturated fats intake is the consumption of empty calories with minimal nutrition. Lack of sleep is another reason why children can perform poorly in school and have a hard time focusing and paying attention.

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